Ostap Oshurko Photo
Ostap Oshurko
Design Lead
min read

Effective Design Principles for Crypto Web Design

GUI widgets designed by Lazarev. best design agency

Discover essential UX design strategies for crypto trading platforms in our comprehensive guide. Learn how to effectively structure financial information using Lazarev's design approach, enhancing user experience with simplified interfaces, customization, responsive design, and powerful data visualization.

In 2024, user trust in crypto platforms hinges heavily on design, with 75% basing credibility judgments on UX. With milliseconds defining profit, intuitive design is essential. The crypto landscape is flooded with options, so users quickly switch due to UX issues. Thus, UX design is crucial for navigating financial complexities. This article aims to explore the website design principles for crypto currency solutions.

Understanding the UX Challenges in Crypto Website Design

Users navigating the crypto landscape face many challenges that can significantly impact their user experience and financial outcomes. 

Security concerns, market volatility, regulatory uncertainty, and the risk of losing access to wallets pose significant challenges for cryptocurrency traders. Traditional banking apps are often favored due to their established user-friendly interfaces, which have been developed over decades to cater to user needs. In contrast, crypto wallets often prioritize feature expansion over user-centric design, resulting in a disconnect between users and interfaces.

Because UX/UI design plays a vital role in bridging this gap,  let's talk about some UX challenges designers face in designing a cryptocurrency website or platform.

The Complexity of financial information in the crypto market

The inherent complexity of financial data in the crypto market can be overwhelming for users. Prices of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate wildly within short periods, making it difficult for traders to track potential investment opportunities or risks. The challenge for UX designers lies in simplifying this complexity without sacrificing the depth of information that users require to make informed decisions.

User concerns in crypto trading, UI UX design

The importance of real-time data updates in crypto web design

Accessing timely and accurate information is essential for crypto currency users. The volatile nature of the crypto world emphasizes the need for real-time updates. Platforms like Blockbeat.io exemplify this by employing a structured design approach, such as Lazarev's, to present data in digestible segments. Through minimal spacing and logical columns, complex information becomes easier to navigate. Clear visualizations, like graphs, aid in understanding market trends quickly. Blockbeat.io's commitment to real-time updates ensures users have the latest information for informed decisions. This strategic UX design approach mitigates challenges in presenting financial data, enhancing user satisfaction.


UI UX Design for a Crypto Trading Platform

This method simplifies the user interface, making it easier for users to navigate through complex information. Moreover, Blockbeat.io utilizes clear visualizations, such as graphs to depict market trends and price movements, enabling users to grasp sophisticated market dynamics at a glance.

The platform's commitment to real-time data updates ensures that users have access to the most current information, empowering them to make timely and informed decisions. The seamless integration of these features on Blockbeat.io illustrates how strategic UX design can significantly mitigate the challenges of presenting financial data in the crypto market, ultimately enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

Lazarev's Design Approach to UX in Crypto Web Design

Lazarev's professional design approach is a holistic UX philosophy that emphasizes clarity, efficiency, and user empowerment in the complex world of crypto currency. This methodology is grounded in the principles of cognitive psychology, aiming to reduce cognitive load, enhance information processing, and facilitate decision-making through intuitive design and visualization techniques. When applied to the design of crypto currency trading platforms like Blockbeat.io, Lazarev's approach revolutionizes how users interact with financial data, making the trading experience more accessible and engaging.

(Not) Minimize Cognitive Load

One of the most distinctive features of Blockbeat.io is that Lazarev's designers tailored it for experienced traders accustomed to handling vast amounts of information from various sources. These users typically juggle multiple browser tabs to monitor news from platforms like Twitter and Reddit alongside market statistics. The concept behind Blockbeat is to present ample information while minimizing unnecessary clicks and transitions, streamlining the process. Therefore, the focus wasn't on minimizing cognitive load, but rather on condensing information to accelerate traders' search for crucial data and facilitate prompt decision-making.

As a result, Blockbeat offers two types of news displays: an expanded view, which includes tags, ratings, and summaries, and a compressed view, where users only see the headline without distractions.

News feed, crypto trading platfrom design by Lazarev.

Enhance Information Processing with Visualization

Recognizing that humans are highly visual creatures, Lazarev, web3 design agency, advocates for the use of graphical representations to convey complex data more effectively. Charts, graphs, and heatmaps are pivotal in translating numerical data into visual formats that can be instantly understood. On Blockbeat.io, this principle is evident in how market trends, price changes, and trading volumes are visualized. These visual aids help users grasp market dynamics at a glance, facilitating a quicker and deeper understanding of the trading environment.

Blockbeat utilizes graphics to present information, design by Lazarev.

User Empowerment through Customization

Lazarev's design approach emphasizes user empowerment through customization, a key aspect implemented in Blockbeat.io. Users can tailor dashboards and alerts to monitor relevant metrics, filtering out irrelevant information. The platform offers advanced customization for news feeds, allowing users to filter by date, time, specific assets, and preferred sources. This reduces irrelevant news influx, focusing on pertinent information. Filter settings can be saved as templates for easy access. Blockbeat.io's development prioritized user needs through extensive research, shaping design decisions for a user-centered experience.

Customization in crypto trading, fintech

Practical Tips for Structuring Financial Information

At Lazarev, we are not all bark and no bite. That's why we will share some tips on structuring financial information on. a crypto website or platform, drawing inspiration from Lazarev's design approach. 

Simplifying the interface for better navigation and decision-making

The first step in structuring financial information is simplifying the user interface. This involves decluttering the screen by removing unnecessary elements and focusing on the essential data that users need. Platforms should prioritize intuitive navigation, enabling users to easily move between different sections, such as market trends, portfolio performance, and trading options. Blockbeat.io exemplifies this principle by using a clean, organized layout that minimizes cognitive load and facilitates quick access to key information.

The difference between user-friendly and not FinTech interfaces

Customization options for users to tailor information display

Recognizing that no two traders are alike, offering customization options is crucial for a platform to be truly user-centric. This allows users to personalize their dashboards and select which data points are displayed and how they're presented. Such customization can range from choosing between different chart types (e.g., line, bar, candlestick) to setting up personalized alerts for price movements or news events. On Blockbeat.io, users can customize their viewing preferences, ensuring the information they care about most is front and center.

Ensuring responsiveness across devices for a seamless experience

In today's mobile-first world, traders expect to access their crypto website or crypto currency platforms from various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. A responsive design ensures that the platform's layout and functionality automatically adjust to the screen size and resolution of the device used. This not only improves accessibility but also ensures that the presentation of financial information remains clear and usable across all devices. Blockbeat.io's responsive design serves as a benchmark, offering a seamless experience on a phone screen or a large desktop monitor.

Implementing Effective Data Visualization Techniques

Effective data visualization is key to presenting complex information in an understandable way. Using charts, graphs, and other visual aids helps users quickly grasp market trends, asset performance, and historical data patterns. Incorporating interactive elements like hover details, zoom functions, and customizable time frames can further enhance the user's ability to analyze the data. 

Graphs, charts, data visualization in Fintech UI UX Design

Prioritize Real-time Data and Accuracy

Given the volatile nature of the crypto market, ensuring that the information presented is up-to-date and accurate is non-negotiable. Implementing real-time updates and pulling data from reliable sources are essential practices. This not only builds trust with the users but also empowers them to make decisions based on the latest market conditions. 

Conclusion (read, if you're a crypto company)

In conclusion, the effective structuring of financial information in crypto website design is essential for enhancing user experience, facilitating informed decision-making, and fostering user engagement. By adhering to Lazarev's design approach, platforms like Blockbeat.io have set a high standard in presenting complex financial data in an accessible and intuitive manner.

Through thoughtful design and strategic implementation, companies providing crypto services  can achieve a balance between complexity and usability, paving the way for a more inclusive and efficient digital finance ecosystem.

If you are among crypto related businesses and this example made you think about hiring a well-versed crypto design agency, then contact Lazarev today to start creating a truly user-centric experience.

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Director of Operations, Blavity
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Project Manager
Viktoria Levchuk Photo
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Content Manager
Kyrylo Lopushynskyi Photo
Kyrylo Lopushynskyi
3D Designer
Konstiantyn Potapov Photo
Konstiantyn Potapov
Project Manager
Oleksandr Golovko Photo
Oleksandr Golovko
UX Researcher
Anna Hvozdiar Photo
Anna Hvozdiar
Director at Prytula Foundation
Ostap Oshurko Photo
Ostap Oshurko
Design Lead
Nielsen Norman Photo
Nielsen Norman
Stas Tsekhan Photo
Stas Tsekhan
Head of HR
Anastasiia Balakonenko Photo
Anastasiia Balakonenko
Design Lead
Oleksii Skyba Photo
Oleksii Skyba
Webflow Development Lead
Isaac Horowitz Photo
Isaac Horowitz
Founder at Blockbeat
Danylo Dubrovsky Photo
Danylo Dubrovsky
Senior UX/UI designer
Hanna Hvozdiar Photo
Hanna Hvozdiar
Director at Prytula Foundation
Oleksandr Holovko Photo
Oleksandr Holovko
UX Designer At Lazarev.
Emily Thorn Photo
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CEO at Thorn Associates
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CEO & Co-Founder at ShopSwap
Kenneth Shen Photo
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Managing Partner at Half Past Nine
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CEO at Conscious Baboon
James Crane-Baker Photo
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CEO at Gigworkers
Laith Masarweh Photo
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CEO at Assistantly
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Head of Product at WellSet
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Executive Director at Kin
Jorden Beatty Photo
Jorden Beatty
Co-founder at DASH
Kumesh Aroomogan Photo
Kumesh Aroomogan
Founder at Accern
Andrey Gaday Photo
Andrey Gaday
Head of Design at Lazarev.
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Co-Founder at Encyro Inc
Nicolas Grasset Photo
Nicolas Grasset
CEO at Peel Insights, Inc
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CPO & Co-founder at Fieldstream
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CEO & Founder at Tratta
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CEO at Mappn
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Co-Founder & Head of Engineering at Metastaq
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President & Owner, NODO Film Systems
Nick Chapman Photo
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Founder at Pika AI
Anna Demianenko Photo
Anna Demianenko
Design Lead
Oleksandr Koshytskyi Photo
Oleksandr Koshytskyi
Design Lead
Kseniia Shyshkova Photo
Kseniia Shyshkova
Head of PM
Volodymyr Khliupin Photo
Volodymyr Khliupin
Head of UX
Yurii Shepta Photo
Yurii Shepta
Head of Marketing
Kyrylo Lazariev Photo
Kyrylo Lazariev
CEO and Founder
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